You have worked hard to earn your medical license, so it is understandable that you want to preserve your reputation as a good citizen. Committing specific crimes could result in sanctions or even the loss of your license. Since state lawmakers can update the law to add new legal offenses, you may wonder how this would affect you.
Florida law describes a number of crimes that disqualify someone from having a professional medical license. Generally, these crimes involve fraud or violence. However, it is possible for legislators to establish new disqualifying offenses. You may worry that you have committed one of these crimes in the past and could lose your license.
Exemptions from disqualification
Attaining a license requires screening to determine if you had engaged in criminal offenses which could disqualify you. At some point in your career, you will probably go through another screening. In the meantime, the Florida legislature may add new crimes to state law. Provided that you had committed the offense prior to your last screening, you may apply for an exemption.
You must make an exemption application to the licensing agency which oversees your license. Additionally, you must be eligible to apply for an exemption. The agency will then examine your application and render a decision.
Be aware of time limits
While an exemption may save your job, you should watch your calendar. You must make sure the licensing agency accepts your application no longer than 30 days after you have gotten your new screening results.
Fortunately, your employer might let you keep working until the licensing agency notifies you of a decision. This means you do not face an immediate loss of employment while you fight to retain your license and keep your job.