Defending Juveniles From Criminal Charges Throughout Florida

If your child has been taken into custody and arrested, it is imperative that you contact a lawyer experienced in juvenile proceeding. Since 1993, McIntosh Law has provided legal counsel for juveniles throughout Florida.

We will independently investigate the details of your child’s arrest to help you determine the best course of action.

Comprehensive Defense Against All Juvenile Crimes

Depending on the seriousness of the offense, your child can be detained for 21 days before being returned home. For the most serious charges, the state can file charges against the juvenile as if they were an adult.

Competent representation in the early stages of your child’s case is critical. Our years of experience and knowledge of the Sarasota and Bradenton court system will help get you and your family though this difficult time.

We represent juveniles charged with a broad range of criminal charges, including:

  • Drug violations, including possession of marijuana or prescription medication
  • Grand or petty theft, burglary or vandalism
  • Sex offenses such as sexual battery, lewd exhibition or sexting
  • Driving offenses such as a DUI, racing or reckless driving
  • Crimes at school or on campus

Act Quickly To Preserve Your Child’s Future

Juveniles are entitled to legal representation by an attorney during all stages of the proceedings. Although juvenile records are supposed to be confidential, in this the age of the internet your child’s arrest may become public and follow them for life.

Act today to protect your child’s future and reputation. Schedule an initial consultation at 941-306-3230 or by completing our contact form.