If you are facing criminal charges, there is a high likelihood that your case will never go to trial. Your lawyer may be able to get the charges dropped. You may come to a plea deal with the prosecution. However, if none of these options are realistic for you, then...
Month: November 2019
A physician’s recommendation won’t prevent a Florida drug DUI
Alcohol is not the only substance that can negatively impact your ability to drive safely. Quite a large number of prescription medications and even over-the-counter drugs can negatively affect how well you manage a vehicle. Florida expects that all drivers will only...
Build a strong defense against involuntary manslaughter charges
You were driving on the highway faster than the posted speed limit in the hope of reaching home faster when your worst fear happened: Traffic stopped, and you didn't have time to avoid it. In your larger vehicle, you were well protected against the impact of the...
How does a pyramid scheme work?
Pyramid schemes are illegal methods of scamming consumers. They begin with a recruiter who creates a fake or fraudulent business. That individual then asks anyone who wants to join the business to pay a fee. The people recruited then attempt to recruit more people to...