For many decades, marijuana and all of its active compounds have been illegal in the United States. That includes Florida, which penalizes possession and other marijuana offenses relatively harshly. As of January, 2017, though, some people may qualify for legal...
Month: August 2018
What is the penalty for a DUI conviction?
It doesn't matter if you're driving in Florida or another part of the country, it's important to always obey the rules of the road.Even if you understand the risks of drunk driving, there's a chance you could make this mistake at some point in your life. For example,...
How much like real life are those CSI shows?
If you've ever wondered about the accuracy of "CSI: Miami," you may have heard that real life is not at all like that. First, real crime scene investigators don't have access to all the expensive equipment they use on TV. Also, even popular cops can't speed up the...
Military meets civilian: Criminal cases regarding service members
Members of the military are held to a higher code of conduct than many other people. While this means that they do have to be careful about what they do on base and off, there are times when issues might arise. Criminal matters for military members have some...
Biscayne Park setup scandal is a call for recorded interrogations
You've heard the story. In Biscayne Park, just north of Miami, officers were directed to pin crimes on innocent people in order to improve their percentage of closed cases. In many cases, the people targeted were African-Americans with prior criminal records. and one...
Defending your teaching license after a crime
As a teacher, you're expected to set an example. You should be the person students look up to and ask for help. Unfortunately, even the kindest and most responsible people make mistakes. The trouble with yours is that it could cost you the teaching license you worked...
Expungement: Your options in Florida
Expungement is a process during which your criminal conviction is sealed from state and federal records or destroyed completely. The purging of a criminal record can help you in many ways, making it easier for you to find work and to have a clear reputation when you...
Navigating the shoals of a nurse licensure complaint
Many nurses fail to realize that it's not a serious criminal matter that can put their license status in jeopardy. It could be a complaint. Any person can file an official complaint against a nurse, including disgruntled ex-coworkers, spiteful patients, jilted lovers...