In the 1990s, many states around the country followed a trend led from the national level to increase penalties associated with a variety of crimes. A virtual war on drugs was initiated that resulted in many people being put in jail or prison for offenses involving drugs. The drugs related to these offenses were not always illegal. In fact, many offenses involved prescription medications.
American Addiction Centers indicates that over time, a great number of people who were provided prescriptions by their doctors or other health care providers ended up developing serious addictions to the very medications designed to help them. Society has learned a valuable lesson during this time and this includes gaining an understanding of which types of drugs are most addictive.
Classes of drugs designed to treat pain include opioids. These medications literally alter a person’s brain chemistry, so they feel euphoric in the midst of experiencing even severe pain. Opioids were often used to manage pain after surgeries. Stimulants and depressants are two other types of prescription medications found to be highly addictive. These may be used to treat a myriad of conditions including anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, attention deficit disorders and more. explains that once addicted to a prescription drug, some people migrate to illegal substances in order to feed their addiction. Heroin may be a common drug used by people with opioid additions. For people who became addicted to stimulants, cocaine may provide a similar sensation of energy and alertness. When trying to treat a prescription drug addiction, some people require medical oversight for a detoxification process followed by intense therapy.