There is no law preventing people charged with a criminal offense, or convicted of a minor crime, from attending college.
There is not even a standard requirement for schools to complete criminal background checks, although it is becoming increasingly more common.
Prospective students
Many schools may list a criminal background check as part of the admissions process. If they find a criminal charge, the school may deny admission or take back an offer of admission if one was already made. Depending on the charge, a criminal records may also disqualify you for financial aid.
Current students
If accused of a criminal offense while attending college, many possible things could happen. You could face probation. You may have to take classes or attend counseling related to the offense such as drug counseling or anger management classes. They may require you to complete community service. You may face suspension or expulsion. You may even lose financial aid if the alleged offense violates any parameters in the aid agreement.
Code of conduct
Many schools have a student code of conduct. If the criminal offense you stand accused of violates such a code, you may have to appear before a board or committee to answer questions about your alleged offense before the school decides on a punishment. These committees are often made up of faculty, community members and other students. The outcome of your review will determine your future at the school.
A criminal arrest does not disqualify a person from attending college. While it does present hurdles, some colleges and programs accept those with difficult histories. Be honest on your application and work with the admissions office to get them all of the documentation and information they should consider regarding your specific case.