Sarasota County is one of only four in the state with its own specialized DUI court. The Sarasota County DUI Court opened in 2008. It is a specialized court that is aimed at changing the way DUI offenders act and react to alcohol. They realize that some people are addicted to alcohol and need treatment more than time in prison.
DUI courts use a graduated sanction and reward structure. With this structure, individuals become accountable for their actions but also have a chance to succeed at becoming addiction-free. Counseling is mandatory for those who participate, and they must also be supervised for a period of a year at minimum.
To enter into a DUI program, the individuals do have to pay an administrative and monthly fee. It’s $100 for administrative fees and $200 for monthly program fees. Requiring payments means that individuals realize ownership of their issues and helps them take control by paying for a portion of what they need. They must also pay mandatory minimum fines for their actions and pay for supervision costs. Those who can’t afford the costs may be able to complete community service instead of making payments to the court.
The benefits of the program can’t be overstated. Participants receive the medical help they need while going through recovery. In sobriety, they can move on with a lower chance of violating the law a second time. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, your attorney can help you seek an alternative penalty in court. Our website has more on what the courts can do to help you.